Preparing a soul to leave and to arrive

Thomas and I have begun a new journey…and as we make the transition from the faith communities of Atwater UMC and Rosendale UMC to our new home and faith community, Alexandria UMC, we are also preparing our hearts for a pilgrimage to Israel with Rabbi Josh, Rabbi Brad, Rev. Brian, and 28 additional clergy/seminarians through the Stand and See Fellowship program supported by CLAL, learn more by visiting – Israel for all.

Over the next several days, we will be posting thoughts, questions, and more right here. We land in Tel Aviv and begin our journey at Independence Trail, Migdal Shalom and Mount of Olives.

Before we travel, Rabbi Brad has given our group some food for thought and so I share that here with you now because then we can all be “feeding” on these acorns…

Side note: I welcome and would enjoy comments, questions, and the like – FYI: all comments will be reviewed before posted to my blog.

Rabbi Brad wrote, “begin thinking about the many ways we can/do approach travel, and how our approach to travel shapes us, and has shaped the millions who have traveled before us, including the categories of pilgrim, tourist, and seeker. Each, it seems to me, has unique gifts and unique costs.”






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